Using Fedora for Development in 2020

25 January 2020

You might have noticed that I put up some posts about Fedora already and how to install Emacs for it. This is because of the version freezing that happens between releases of Fedora.

It's a good thing in most cases, but not in terms of Emacs as there had recently been a bug in Emacs versions prior to 26.3.

So let's get started with the topic of the day.. using Fedora for development.


Fedora is a linux based distribution which is similar to Ubuntu in the way that they release a new version every 6 months and now the current version of Fedora is Fedora 31 which got released on the 28th October 2019. The team behind Fedora freezes the packages wanted for the release before the release date of the update and boom, it's donezo.

Having this kind of release schedule gives the users some stability compared to rolling release distributions which can break down at any moment unless you know what you are doing however that doesn't really happen as frequently as you would think.

Fedora has been around since 2003 and has since gotten sponsored by Red Hat and I myself consider it a very good thing as that means that the team behind Fedora will get paid for making Fedora a great distribution.

Fedora uses Gnome as their default Desktop Environment and having it be a vanilla version of it, so you wont get any unnecessary applications or plugins that will ruin the experience that you would wanna create on this platform.

It uses the RPM package system which is used by various distributions such as OpenSUSE and CentOS. The defacto tool for handling all those .rpm files is DNF which has a very simple and easy to use command set. Fedora has for some time been a big advocate when it comes to flatpak and it's added by default. (Fedora also have great support for Ubuntu's snaps).

Fedora does not only have Gnome as their desktop environment, but the original workstation iso includes it, but all the major desktop environments can be found in the package repositories and in what fedora calls "Fedora spins".

If you ever felt like you wanted something similar to NixOS or any kind of immutable system, then Fedora Silverblue might be the choice for you, as it has a easy to use immutable system that uses snapshots as the system and also uses flatpaks as a way of containerizing everything.

Development on Fedora

Developing anything on Fedora is pretty much like any other Linux distribution out there, only because the same building block has been used. It's not really harder to install applications on Fedora and if there isn't any bundled package for a certain application, then building from source is fairly simple as much of the build tools are bundled into package groups on the distributions package repository.

Especially if you the reader go and read how to install Emacs on Fedora, you will see that it doesn't take more than 2 commands to get all the things you need in order to install the latest and great version of Emacs and that's pretty much how it goes with any application.

Development server-wise, Fedora uses systemd to make it easy for the user to handle certain applications and their states, as well as making them into daemons.

One thing that can help a programmer is the install tool Fedy which has a easy install for just about any tool that you could need as a programmer.

Other things such as RPMFusion which is essentially a repository for other things that the official Fedora repositories don't have, is a good thing to have around.


To be perfectly honest, unless you ain't using Hannah Montana Linux are you really a linux user? No but, using any operating system out there is better than writing on a piece of paper, which means that it does not really matter if you use Windows or MacOS X or even one of the BSD's, you can still probably get around just fine. I like Fedora because it was one of the first Linux Distributions that I came in contact with as a young boy and I like the dnf package manager, the rpm files and sometimes the manual compilation.

so use whatever you like and if you want to use Fedora, a good place to start is Here

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